Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tom Judd

  • Tom Judd was born in Lawrnceville, New Jersey in 1952. His family comes from a distinguised Mormon background, although his immediate family were not active church members. I was particularly drawn to Judd's paintings because of the mixed medium and variety of color. I like how his art is able to communicate a lot of character and response without being over the top. This idea is also conveyed in his "The Hermit Project," which is a small installation that is a simple house on the outside, but in the inside it looks as though a hermit has been living in the hut for 40+ years. I liked this project because the memorabilia and nuance of the hut was so powerful, even though it was simply a collection of junk. For me, I like to get rid of things as much as I can. However, I have a small box in my room that is filled with the wackiest junk that I have collected from the past decade. It is weird and odd and even kind of gross (I have some teeth in the junk box), but each relic brings back memories that I can so clearly remember. 

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